Worldwide Higher Education Inventory

Over the course of 2013/2014, CIHE undertook an effort to generate a 3rd edition of its unique global "inventory"of higher Education research centers, degree-granting academic programs focused on higher education, and academic journals (and a small number of other relevant publications) publishing on higher education.

The work resulted in a catalog of the global landscape of higher education research, training, and publication, which was crafted into two books, one complete and one abridged. The books also include two analytical essays—one focused on key trends and issues framing the field of higher education globally, and one analyzing the specific inventory data. These items were published in 2014 in e-book form with Lemmens Media, a German publisher.

The full inventory is also available below in the form of two interactive maps. The maps provide a comprehensive overview of the main centers for research on higher education, as well as the many graduate-level academic programs being offered in the study of higher education. The inventory and the resulting maps not only provide a “snapshot” of these important activities but also serve as an unparalleled resource for facilitating communication and collaboration across the higher education research and training community.

If you would like to include your higher education graduate level program or higher education research center on these maps, please email us at

Worldwide Higher Education Programs

The map bellow illustrates 277 graduate-level higher education programs. The name and the geographic location of each higher education program is given. Where available, a link to the website of the program and a list of educational programs provided is included. In order to retrieve this information, simply click on the map marker icons.

Worldwide Higher Education Research Centers

The map bellow illustrates 218 higher education research centers/institutes around the world. The name and the geographic location of each higher education research centers is given. Where available, a link to the website of the center is included. In order to retrieve this information, simply click on the map marker icons.